Straight-up Execellence without the Attitude
Blue Wing Saloon
9520 Main St, Upper Lake, CA 95485
- 707-275-2233
- https://tallmanhotel.com/blue-wing-saloon/
- 9520 Main St, Upper Lake, CA 95485
Greenview Bar & Grill
19210 Hartmann Road, Hidden Valley Lake, CA 95467
- 707-987-3146
- fbmgr@hvla.com
- https://greenviewbarandgrill.com/
- 19210 Hartmann Road, Hidden Valley Lake, CA 95467
Manzanita Restaurant @ Twin Pine Casino & Hotel
2223 Highway 29, Middletown, CA 95461
- 707-987-1200
- info@twinpine.com
- https://www.twinpine.com/manzanita-restaurant/
- 2223 Highway 29, Middletown, CA 95461
On the Waterfront Restaurant
60 3rd Street, Lakeport, CA
- 707 256-8000
- info@onthewaterfrontlakeport.com
- http://www.onthewaterfrontlakeport.com/
- 60 3rd Street, Lakeport, CA 95453
Saw Shop Public House
3825 Main St., Kelseyville, CA 95451
- 707-278-0129
- https://www.sawshoppublichouse.com/
- 3825 Main St., Kelseyville, CA 95451
Wild Creek Steakhouse & Seafood @ Running Creek Casino
635 E. Hwy 20, Upper Lake, CA 95485
- 707-262-5500
- info@runningcreekcasino.com
- https://www.runningcreekcasino.com/eat-drink/wild-creek/
- 635 E. Hwy 20, Upper Lake, CA 95485
Wine in the Willows
125 Park St, Lakeport, CA 95453
- 707-530-2520
- winewillows@gmail.com
- https://www.wine-in-the-willows.com/
- 125 Park St, Lakeport, CA 95453